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Outriders Bring News (SEP 1)


THE RETURN OF THE LEAGUE - by Harry Parkhill (GBHL Marketing Officer)

Another month goes by and the journey through Covid goes ever on and on, but alas, I join you now at the turn of the tide. This weekend, after many months of absence, we see the return to competitive gaming in the Great British Hobbit League. REJOICE!

Obviously things aren't going to be the same as last year, but at the dawn of this new age there is hope (if only a fool's hope) of a return to some form of normality in the MESBG tournament scene.

This weekend sees The Kings Of Men at 7th City Collectables in Nottingham, the first tournament since lockdown. The event is limited to a smaller capacity of 24 players, with regular hand washing, and with the compulsory wearing of masks. The sight of a smiling opponent will be absent but the joys of gaming will be etched into the eyes of our fellow commanders!

With that in mind, let's look ahead to some of the upcoming events in the calendar (bearing in mind the ever changing nature of Lockdowns may cull more yet).

Sadly, regular fixtures War of the Roses, and Seven Stones have been cancelled this year, but GBHLers can look forward to Lair of the Dragon in Cardiff at the end of September. It promises a one day event for 24 people with a clutch of secret objectives for folk to fight for at 450pts. Get your hobbits out chaps!

For more one day fun, look ahead to the Ruin of Cheshire in Macclesfield. Rebel Base Gaming there are putting on a mini event already supported by some of the GBHL's finest players. Sure to be a shark tank of action there.

With the huge number of cancellations this year (and looking ahead to next year), there is plenty of room for more events in the calendar, particularly smaller capacity events. Do you have access to a venue which could accommodate 10-15 tables? Why not set up your event with the GBHL and be accredited as part of the league. Click here and we'll help you on your journey!

With that, I leave you to peruse the GBHL site. Have a look at the Blog section where some folk have shared some exquisite photos of their army projects.

But in the end, it's only a passing thing, this shadow. Even darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer.

GBHL Harry

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