Hi all, recently I posted up on the GBHL Facebook group 4 uruk-hai scouts I did. Which had a good response of likes and comments. One of the comments asked about the white hands I painted on the figs. So I thought as I haven’t posted anything on my blog for sometime. It will be a good excuse to do a little tutorial on how I done it. So I looked at my hand imagine that there is white paint on it and I transfer that image on to the miniatures ( bit like when you’re a kid hand painting).
So using VGC stonewall grey as my base colour I stippled/dabbed with a size 1 sable brush a rough shape of a hand. Then I added some VGC dead white to the base colour. Changing my brush to a size 0 sable, doing the same process again but in smaller areas as best as possible. I repeated it a third time with a bit more VGC dead white.
Remember it doesn’t have to be perfect as these guys have been running for a good couple of weeks sweating and rubbing up against each other so the paint will be coming off.
Always remember to thin your paints with water or thinners. If there is too much paint on your brush dab on a kitchen towel so does not spill on your miniature when doing your free hand.
VGC = Vallejo game colour
Hope you find this helpful and get something out of this and happy painting.
Many thanks,
For those of you who enjoyed the post, you can find this post and more from Dave over on his blog at: https://dcminiaturespainting.wordpress.com/ - GBHL Alastair